Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Statements and sets Important Questions

1 Mark and 2 Mark Questions

1) Define Conjunction and write its Truth Table?
2) Define Disjunction and write its Truth Table?
3) Define Implication and write its Truth Table?
4) Define Bi Implication and write its Truth Table?
5) Write Converse,inverse and Contra positive of the conditional statement
     i) "If Triangle is an equilateral triangle, Then it is an Isosceles Triangle"
     ii) " In a triangle ABC if AB=AC then  ∠B = ∠C
6) Define Tautology and give Examples?
7) define contradiction and give example?
8) show that [P ∧(~q)] ∧[(~p)∨q] is a contradiction?
9) Prove that A ∩ B' = A-B
10) If A and B are disjoint set and n(A)=4 ,n(AUB)=10 then find n(A∩B) ?
11) Show that ~[p => q]≡ p ∧ (~q)
12) prove that A ∩ B= ∅implies B ∩ A' =B
13) If A and B are Two sets then show that A'-B' = B-A
14) Let A={ All primes less than 20 }; B={ All whole numbers less than 10} then find A∩ B and AUB.
15) Show that A ∩ B= A-B' =B-A'.

4 Mark Question

16) Prove that A-(B ∩ C) =(A-B) U (A-C) for any three sets of A,B and C?
17) Show that A-(BUC)=(A-B)  ∩ (A-C) for any three sets of A,B and C?
18) Prove that for any three sets A,B,C AU(B ∩ C)=(A U B) ∩ (AUC) ?
19) Prove that for any three sets A,B,C A∩(B U C)=(A ∩ B) U (A∩C) ?
20) using element wise ,Prove that (A ∩ B)' =A' U B' ?

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